Best1 kroe Diamond Days
I think kroe's blog has the interesting picture and also she use the map. She write full account .
It is my personal view but I like her disposition of color and picture. Her Blogs have the alot of links and It is showed by underlines. Picture is suitable for her airticles . For example she was the presentation of Newzealand fations and she use the picture not only showed clothes . But she use the pictures that people wear the clothes and also this picture can indicate the part of situration.
like that

Best2 TommyRe JEUNESSE
It is simple design. But it is easy to read
The picture of her blog "Sight seeing inNZ-speech''. The hot spring picture of Japanese and NZ is very interesting. Also It can indicate clearly the difference of these.
This picture is funny.
Best3 Chiisa Like A Candy
chiisa's Blog desiogn are very cute and have good tastes. Espicially, the choice of picture of topic movie is very great I think. All tittle was designed .
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